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Supplements for Second Edition
(Supplements for the second edition are still being updated. Thank you for your patience!
See the first edition's Supplements page for additional supplements such as lab handouts and homework assignments.)
The following supplements are available to all instructors and students using the textbook:
Supplemental Online-Only Chapters and Appendices
Here are some chapters and appendices of additional content that we cut from the book for space, but we'd still like to provide to you for your own educational purposes.
References/Links from Each Chapter
The following page lists every link and reference given at the end of each chapter of the textbook, so that you don't have to type them in to use them.
Lecture Slides
organized by chapter (last updated June 2, 2012):
Chapter 1: The Internet and World Wide Web
Chapter 2: HTML Basics
Chapter 3: CSS for Styling
Chapter 4: Page Layout
Chapter 5: PHP
Chapter 6: Forms
Chapter 7: Web Design
Chapter 8: Javascript
Chapter 9: The Document Object Model (DOM)
Chapter 10: Prototype and Scriptaculous
Chapter 11: Events
Chapter 12: Ajax, XML, and JSON
Chapter 13: Relational Databases and SQL
Chapter 14: Cookies and Sessions
Chapter 15: Web Security
split into individual lectures for our web programming course at the University of Washington (last updated June 2, 2012):
Lecture 1: The Internet and World Wide Web
Lecture 2: Basic HTML/CSS
Lecture 3: More Basic CSS
Lecture 4: Page Sections (
) and CSS Box Model
Lecture 5: Floating Layouts
Lecture 5b: Positioning
Lecture 6: Introduction to PHP
Lecture 7: Embedded PHP
Lecture 8: File Processing in PHP
Lecture 9: Forms
Lecture 10: Form Posting
Lecture 11: Form Validation and Regular Expressions
Lecture 12: HTML Tables
Lecture 13: Databases and SQL
Lecture 14: SQL Multi-table Queries (Joins)
Lecture 15: SQL for Database Definition
Lecture 16: Introduction to JavaScript
Lecture 17: Document Object Model (DOM)
Lecture 18: Unobtrusive JavaScript; Prototype Framework
Lecture 19: Walking the DOM Tree
Lecture 20: Event-Handling
Lecture 21: Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (Ajax)
Lecture 22: eXtensible Markup Language (XML)
Lecture 23: JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)
Lecture 24: Web Services
Lecture 25: Scriptaculous Framework
Lecture 26: Cookies and Sessions
Lecture 27: Web Security
Lecture XX (special topic): Object-Oriented PHP
Lecture XX (special topic): Object-oriented JavaScript
Lecture XX (special topic): Debugging JavaScript Code
Lecture XX (special topic): More JavaScript Syntax
Lecture XX (special topic): Embedding Multimedia
Lecture XX (special topic): Web Design
Self-Checks and Programming Exercises
The following additional programming exercises are provided to supplement the book. They might serve as useful source material for creating assignments, labs, and other exercises. They are grouped into "units" of chapters covering related material. These problems are a work in progress; last updated March 12, 2009.
Unit 1 Exercises
(Chapters 1-4: Basic HTML/CSS/layout)
Unit 2 Exercises
(Chapters 5-6: Server-side Programming in PHP)
Unit 3 Exercises
(Chapters 7-9: Client-side Programming in JavaScript)
Unit 4 Exercises
(Chapters 10-11: Ajax, SQL, and Databases)
Programming Labs and Discussion Section Handouts
(section handouts last updated June 18, 2011 with many new problems in each section)
We use these handouts in our course at Washington as part of weekly closed lab sessions in which students work for roughly an hour at computers solving web programming problems. The discussion section handouts are for our weekly hour-long TA-led discussion sections in which our teaching assistants lead students through a set of problems on one shared computer with a projector.
Homework Assignment Specification Ideas
Sample Exams
(Exams are password-protected. Instructors, please contact us for access.)
Code Files Shown in the Textbook
Databases Used in the Textbook
Ruby on Rails (supplemental slides and material)
These materials were used for optional weekly sessions about Ruby on Rails in our Spring 2009 course at Washington. The materials were created by teaching assistants Ryan Tucker and Kelly Dunn. Many thanks to Ryan and Kelly for these great materials!
Other Resources
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