Web Programming Step by Step
Discussion Section 1: The Internet / WWW

This section is about the Internet and the World Wide Web (WWW). Most sections will have exercise problems to work on, but since we have just begun our course, this one is more casual and conversational in nature.

Internet Ballparking:

  1. What do you think are the top 10 most visited sites on the web today? How would you find out what they actually are?
  2. What is one of your favorite web sites not listed among those top 10, and why? Do you have a favorite web "meme"?
  3. What is one of the WORST sites on the web, and why? (Difficulty: no MySpace)
  4. What is one major change that you think will happen to the web within the next 5-10 years?
  5. Visit a popular web site, then View its Source in the browser. What does it look like? Are you surprised by the look of the HTML code you see?

Terminology / Jargon:

How many of the following internet/web terms do you know? Pick a term and explain what it is.

  1. bandwidth, latency, throughput, broadband
  2. blog
  3. bookmark
  4. browser plug-in
  5. cache
  6. cookie
  7. domain name
  8. firewall
  9. flame war
  10. Foxkeh
  11. frag
  12. frame
  13. gopher
  14. guild
  15. ISP
  16. Linux
  17. mashup
  18. mirror
  19. open source
  20. ping
  21. podcast
  22. portal
  23. proxy
  24. RFC
  25. rick roll
  26. RSS feed
  27. script
  28. spawn camper
  29. spyware
  30. tag cloud
  31. tweet
  32. VoIP
  33. web crawler (or web spider)
  34. wiki

Some dictionaries of web slang:

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